Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Logan had a very busy first Thanksgiving. He napped until 11:00 a.m. then we got up and we to Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Moffet's and had lunch with Great-Grandma, & Great-Grandpa M., Grandma Paula, Grandpa Don and Aunt Jessica, and Great-Aunt & Uncle Dan & Brenda. Uncle Josh, and cousins Tiffany, Cory, Tambra, Gibriel and also Kadie and Lilah were there! We left our house so fast, we left our camera on the desk so I'll post pictures later since Grandma Paula had her camera. I'm working on remembering that camera. Lol.
Then after we visited and ate (Logan still gets his reconstituted) we came home to take care of the dogs and give Logan a fast bath, then we went to Grandma Cathy & Grandpa Jan's for another Thanksgiving dinner. Uncle Josh and Daddy's friend Rick were there so Logan got to be passed around and visit with people....after he finished his nap lol.

Hanging out with Uncle Josh.

Visiting with Cousin Deylan...he's 19 months Logan will be about that size next year....that is so mind boggling!

"Wow Mommy! That flash sure is bright!"

"I like playing with Uncle Josh! Lemme have that hat!"

"Hanging out with Grandma Cathy.....they still won't hand over the turkey, meanies!"

"I'm going to eat my shoe since you won't hand over the turkey, or mashed potatoes, or the deviled eggs or well you won't give me anything but milk...what in the world?"

"Ok Mommy, I'll just eat your finger instead! You're gonna give me some of this stuff next year right? I'll have TEETH then...well I plan on it anyways...better work on my chewing practice huh?"

We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends and families. So thankful for having met each other and choosing to stick together through the rough patches we've encountered and oh so grateful for the little boy who joined us in the outside world this year. We had no idea such a little tiny person would change our lives so much, but it is all for the better.  And we are so excited to be there to take him on his journey in life and help him grow and learn.
Happy Thanksgiving from Jeff, Logan & I! We hope it is wonderful!


tifRn said...

I wish we could have seen ya'll. ella's bday was CHAOS but the good kind...and my mom was actually on time! i teased her and told everyone i told her it started at 4:30 so she'd be there, lol. for some reason now that you have the new template it won't update on my blogroll. wonder why?

Stormi said...

Hi Guys,

Glad to see you had a nice Thanksgiving..we did too. Boy he sure is a growing! :0) love the pictures.
