Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Logan had a very busy first Thanksgiving. He napped until 11:00 a.m. then we got up and we to Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Moffet's and had lunch with Great-Grandma, & Great-Grandpa M., Grandma Paula, Grandpa Don and Aunt Jessica, and Great-Aunt & Uncle Dan & Brenda. Uncle Josh, and cousins Tiffany, Cory, Tambra, Gibriel and also Kadie and Lilah were there! We left our house so fast, we left our camera on the desk so I'll post pictures later since Grandma Paula had her camera. I'm working on remembering that camera. Lol.
Then after we visited and ate (Logan still gets his reconstituted) we came home to take care of the dogs and give Logan a fast bath, then we went to Grandma Cathy & Grandpa Jan's for another Thanksgiving dinner. Uncle Josh and Daddy's friend Rick were there so Logan got to be passed around and visit with people....after he finished his nap lol.

Hanging out with Uncle Josh.

Visiting with Cousin Deylan...he's 19 months Logan will be about that size next year....that is so mind boggling!

"Wow Mommy! That flash sure is bright!"

"I like playing with Uncle Josh! Lemme have that hat!"

"Hanging out with Grandma Cathy.....they still won't hand over the turkey, meanies!"

"I'm going to eat my shoe since you won't hand over the turkey, or mashed potatoes, or the deviled eggs or well you won't give me anything but milk...what in the world?"

"Ok Mommy, I'll just eat your finger instead! You're gonna give me some of this stuff next year right? I'll have TEETH then...well I plan on it anyways...better work on my chewing practice huh?"

We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends and families. So thankful for having met each other and choosing to stick together through the rough patches we've encountered and oh so grateful for the little boy who joined us in the outside world this year. We had no idea such a little tiny person would change our lives so much, but it is all for the better.  And we are so excited to be there to take him on his journey in life and help him grow and learn.
Happy Thanksgiving from Jeff, Logan & I! We hope it is wonderful!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rice Cereal, 6 month doctor appointment and Tiger outfit too!

Logan turned 6 months old on Saturday! He got to go to his pediatrician on Monday, his appointment went great he's up to 16 pounds 12 ounces, and 27 inches long! Still no teeth, but continues to drool and gnaw on everything. Got his 6 months shots as well, then he has been upset since, but he's better today.  Thankfully!
First time to eat Rice Cereal was today....yes I finally came to terms with it....he had about a tablespoon mixed with an ounce and a half of his favorite flavor {  ;-)  }  and well, he ate some of it...mostly he tasted then blew bubbles but some went down....MAJOR excitement, not too bad of a mess but he went right into the tub afterwards lol.

Look at that excited grin!

And his eyes look great in this shot!

Just pleased as can be! I like this or not? Hmmmmn I dunno yet

Come gimme a kiss! MWAAAAAHHHHH! You know you want to lol.

I'm getting pretty done now.

I like this bowl and spoon thingy......

Then he proceeded to toss it on the floor to the dogs, but he tried lol.

Here he is in his other Halloween outfit, a TIGER at Grandma Cathy's....he was kind of  interested in Daddy more than the camera lol.

Ok well the Cranky Bear is back so I have to go....past time for his Tylenol....and another nap. Lol.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Well Logan has been a busy busy boy here lately.
Jeff and I both worked on Halloween so he went Trick or Treating on All Saint's Day (November 1st before you ask). But earlier in the day he went to church with Grandpa Don and Grandma Paula and had a blessing/naming ceremony he had a good time playing with people, flirting with the girls and biting Uncle Jeremy's finger plus yanking Mommy around by the hair (where did I sign up for that kind of abuse by the way?)

Here is Logan in his lion Halloween costume!

Blowing raspberries at Grandma (raspberry blowiing being our new favorite thing to do by the way.)

Exciting times! Having a great time!

And "It's piggie-time! I love my piggies!!!!"

We went shopping at Babies R Us, really there should be a law against that place....geez....I spend too much time there, but anyways we found this awesome little elephant and Logan is bonkers about it....and I do mean bonkers!

The wheel in the middle spins, lights up and plays music....he's absolutely in love.

I think he likes it? What do you think?

It truly is amazing how much space a small little boy can take up of a king size bed lol! He has about 3/4 of it at all times, preferably the middle with us on our sides on the edges so he can have more rolling and creeping room. He gets around really well in the bed, not really interested in crawling yet *thankfully!* He gets around pretty well with his two legged carriers.

The elephant's trunk is a perfect chew toy in his opinion.

We went to Benefit Bonanza for my work (I got my flu shot *ouch* not H1N1 just seasonal) and Logan flirted with every female we saw. We got to visit with Dara and Richard for awhile. And we then went to Miami and put out Jeff's order.
Oh! And we're contemplating thinking about maybe cutting a tooth. He's been drooling and gnawing lately but it kind of comes in spurts sometimes not quite so much sometimes we're getting new clothes on every few hours lol!

Gotta love that grin!