Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 35 appt/ultrasound, and nesting lol

Wednesday was our week 35 appointment and last ultrasound, everything looks good, he's approximately 5-5 1/2 pounds right now which puts him in the 30-35 percentile for weight but he's appropriate for me and what I've gained and my amniotic fluid, so that's good, Dr. Lacey says as long as I behave myself that he should be about 7-7 1/2 pounds when he's born, I guess that means I'm not to indulge my urges for some Shake's Cookie Dough soft serve huh? *sigh* But I'm all for him fitting in his newborn diapers lol.
Here are his ultrasound pics.

He wasn't impressed with her messing with his foot, but you can count all 5 toes. He kept drawing his foot up when she was trying to measure it.

His chubby cheeks, he was sleeping when she did the ultrasound so you can see his eyelids lol. He's facing straight forward in this pic.

This pic is a little brighter, his hand is up by his cheek, but still sleeping.

She kept trying to get a clear shot of his foot and when she went back to his face after getting it he had covered his face completely with BOTH of his arm! I think he's going to be just as cranky as Jeff and I when he's woken lol!

I've been nesting lately, so today Paula and I tackled the kitchen and dining room, it was all day task almost because we re-arranged cupboards and cabinets and swept and mopped and just scrubbed. I also worked on the living room this morning....we *ahem* just took down our Christmas tree, but it's down and put up and I also vacuumed and moved the furniture to get underneath it. Plus I worked on the bathrooms, I'm still working on the upstairs one, but I've made a huge dent in it....have the dog shampoos organized and cleaners, it's nice. Still have to finish cleaning the master bathroom but I'll do that later. Then we only have to tackle the guest room which is our current storage room and straighten the office and the basement living room, so HUGE progress. That's pretty much all I've been doing, cleaning and nesting lol. Just need to pack the suitcase and the diaper bag the rest of the way to feel like I'm domestically ready.
Next doctor's appointment is next week, so lots of fun!.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Nursery pictures as promised!

Ok, I keep getting nursery picture requests, so here they are....although we did re-arrange the furniture after these were taken lol. Here is the crib with the diaper organizer, and quilt and bumper pads and bed skirt that Grandma Paula made for Logan.

Here is a close-up of the safari toys from the baby shower that Aunt Sarah threw for Logan and the Bumper pad fasteners.

The crib.

Gwen guarding my lap from Rambo, he has his gorilla in his mouth, so she won't let him near me. Lol.

The dresser/changing table covered with Logan's presents from the baby shower.

We painted the walls, and touched up all of the trim, I'll post a few more organized pictures when it's all done. Just a few more things to do to it!