Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

Just wanted to put up a quick blog wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone had a great and SAFE 4th! So glad I'm not at work tonight or since Missouri started selling fireworks anyways...I remember last year and the firework injuries....I prefer not to smell burnt human.
Logan is doing great. He was 10.83 pounds earlier this week when I weighed like crazy, wanting to be awake and interact more...of course I'm missing him taking naps where I could lay him down, he's been waking up within 3 minutes of being laid down this week, makes for a long day....oh well, this too shall pass. He's starting to do better with it.
Some pictures I've taken in our early morning sessions...he looked like he was dancing when I snapped this one, I can almost hear him singing "We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, 'cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine..." Although he doesn't have the weird hat and bullwhip that Men Without Hats used in the music video lol!

"Hey! Get that camera out of my face!!!!!"

"Crud! She is sooooo going to post that....sheesh what am I gonna tell people?"

And here's my favorite pajama outfit we bought him it reminds me of the fox from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de's a great book...give it a read.

We went to my Dad's wedding on Sunday, here's Logan in his attire sitting on Daddy's lap...had to put up the close-up of his face, too sweet.

1 comment:

shelley said...

Tish, he is so cute!! I love the early time pictures and your comments made me laugh!! Enjoy, they grow toooo fast!!