Sunday, October 09, 2011


I was going through old pictures of Logan reminiscing and thinking about what Finnegan will look like when he's born and the changes in Logan are just amazing. In just a little over 2 short years he's grown oh so much and he's constantly learning about the world around him.

Here he was just after he was born in Jeff's arms. 
   (I just asked him who was in the picture and he said "Me, Da Da!" )

Here he was in postpartum in one our early morning gab fests.

And look at him now! He's a busy active toddler, constantly learning and seeking information.

And he loves books!

The big question is how will he feel about having a baby in the house 24/7? He's very interested in babies when we are out  & about so I guess there's nothing to do but wait and see. Although he does like patting my belly and blowing raspberries on it and then uproariously laughing after he does it. Hopefully that will bode well. I guess we'll find out in January. I'll try to update more between now and then lol.

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