Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rice Cereal, 6 month doctor appointment and Tiger outfit too!

Logan turned 6 months old on Saturday! He got to go to his pediatrician on Monday, his appointment went great he's up to 16 pounds 12 ounces, and 27 inches long! Still no teeth, but continues to drool and gnaw on everything. Got his 6 months shots as well, then he has been upset since, but he's better today.  Thankfully!
First time to eat Rice Cereal was today....yes I finally came to terms with it....he had about a tablespoon mixed with an ounce and a half of his favorite flavor {  ;-)  }  and well, he ate some of it...mostly he tasted then blew bubbles but some went down....MAJOR excitement, not too bad of a mess but he went right into the tub afterwards lol.

Look at that excited grin!

And his eyes look great in this shot!

Just pleased as can be! I like this or not? Hmmmmn I dunno yet

Come gimme a kiss! MWAAAAAHHHHH! You know you want to lol.

I'm getting pretty done now.

I like this bowl and spoon thingy......

Then he proceeded to toss it on the floor to the dogs, but he tried lol.

Here he is in his other Halloween outfit, a TIGER at Grandma Cathy's....he was kind of  interested in Daddy more than the camera lol.

Ok well the Cranky Bear is back so I have to go....past time for his Tylenol....and another nap. Lol.

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