Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 14th, 2009=OUCH!

Logan had his 2 month doctor's appointment yesterday. He's a whopping 10.12 pounds, & 23 1/4 inches long. He scored average on his height growth chart and just a little below average on his weight growth chart but he's not on formula so his growth is good. Everything went good...well until he had to have his vaccinations...he got two shots on his left leg and one in his right....poor guy. I know they're necessary but still pretty heartbreaking to have to watch him cry and not be able to prevent it. But I gave him some Infant's Tylenol beforehand so after he quit crying he went to sleep. He also got a Rotovirus vaccine but it was oral so that wasn't bad. Next appointment is 3 days before my birthday so I'm going to try to get that week off.

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