Friday, June 05, 2009

3 weeks old and an innie!

After my last blog, I changed Logan and he had lost his umbilical stump, so we now have an INNIE! It's too cute, haven't been brave enough to tub bathe him yet, he's doing ok with sponge baths for now lol. He smells like a baby so obviously it's working.
Definitely nocturnal, he wakes up between 0300-0400 and stays awake until 0500 or later....he's done this all week, so I'm getting used to it, not crying, not screaming just hanging out, so I lay him in bed with me and we cuddle. I know when he's older and able to loco-mote he won't want to be held and cuddled very much because there is just too much stuff to see and get into so I'm trying to get in as many now as I can.
Enjoying my time staring at this cute little face....his hands are getting pudgier and it's just wild to feel and see the differences in him in just 3 short short weeks!

1 comment:

Nana said...

You will have to slip on down to the ER some morning. 0400 is usually a good time....The Filthy masses are usually at bay at that time of the morning! Would love to give him a snuggle!