Sunday, April 29, 2012

Playing catch-up

 So I just realized that I've been incredibly lax on my blogging, so I thought I'd play a little catch-up. 
Finnegan's 15 weeks old and I think he's thinking about teething...uh oh. But we've been down this road before so hoping it'll be like Logan with his cut one tooth then the next day cut the opposite side pattern...but who knows?
Logan thinks that Finnegan is still "my baby"...or should I put that "MY baby!" lol, and has been a super big helper, giving baby his binky and hugs, kisses etc. Also Logan is going to turn three in just over 3 weeks! Wow! Time flies! So let's get's onto some kiddo cuteness and enjoy!

Logan holding his baby brother

 More holding, there's a lot of holding going on lately!

We had a good, but busy Easter. We didn't manage to get an egg hunt in, but hopefully next year we will.

Finnegan's Easter basket, notice Sophie la Giraffe!

Logan's Easter basket, he chose those flip-flops which perfectly match his shark water shoes!

Logan opening his basket, he's enthralled with those plastic eggs! Of course you fill anything with good chocolate & I am too!

Finnegan trying to figure out why we're holding him up by all this stuff lol!
 Finnegan also got his first solid food, no not rice cereal, not oatmeal. "Well what did he have?" you ask....a Reece's Peanut Butter Egg, Logan shared while I was making pictures of the ensuing chocolate & peanut butter mess because I was too busy trying to get it all out of his mouth seeing as how 12 week-olds shouldn't be eating those things...thus the clothing change in the next picture.

Finnegan & Sophie ready to go shopping!

We also dyed Easter eggs in these awesome no spill cups....well they spill a little but the more we've used them (yes, we've dyed eggs more than once so far, Logan LOVES it! We actually just dyed more eggs last night.) the better we've gotten on the water ratio to make them perfect.

"Quit talking and just give me some eggs to dye!"

Finnegan was there too, but he refrained from the egg dying this year, next year there will be no stopping him though,

Logan decided that all the eggs needed to go through ALL the dye baths and was constantly re-dying them.

The pretty completed Easter Eggs!

And of course the best eggs of all according to Jeff....

"Mmmmmm, Cadbury Creme Egg!"

The weather has been gorgeous lately and we've been enjoying it immensely.

"All I need now is a wee set of golf clubs & I'm ready to hit the links!"

Logan decided that Finnegan needed to wear the Yoda ears from his Halloween costume last year.

"Why do you let him put things on me?"
"Ok, well maybe these aren't so bad. But I don't get why you & Daddy are talking funny & laughing...."
 Logan still has his obsession with Gwen....poor little dog, but he just loves her so much!
"Dog-Dog in wagon!"
"What do you do when the dog-dog is too heavy to pull? You put her in the wagon & take her for a ride...obviously!"
Oh, and Logan wasn't super surprised about his bunny, he picked it out.
 After we moved to the new bigger temporary hospital earlier this month they gave out some baby saplings to be planted for Earth Day, so while we were putting ours in some potting soil in a planter (have to prep the planting site still) Jeff found a toad in the potting soil bag, Logan thought that was just awesome and got hold & pet the "frog" (as he called it) before we let him go back into the wild of our yard. Of course now every time we go outside all we hear is "wanna pet frog, wanna pet frog!" So we're thinking about getting him a tortoise for Christmas, we want to do a LOT of research before we make that commitment some of them live over 50 years.....

"Wanna pet frog!"

And just a little more cuteness to finish this post out....

"My baby brud-dah" as he calls Finnegan
I'll post more after Logan's birthday party. Have a great day!